my recommended resources

All books or articles recommended, I have read. All podcasts, I have listened to a substantial amount of the episodes, but not all. Any person, website, Facebook page or Instagram, I have personally found to be helpful, but cannot promise to agree with all they have or will say or share. I do my best to keep my resources as safe, inclusive, and truthful as possible, but ultimately it is up to you to decide what is good, helpful, or true for yourself.

Most of my recommended resources on abuse state that the “abuser” is a man or male. I want to recognize that this language is limiting and can be invalidating of many survivors’ experiences. Abusers can be of any gender. If the use of gender binary feels unhelpful or triggering, please skip the resources with an asterisk. Your experience is valid and matters, even if not represented in these resources. If you have more inclusive resources to share with me, please send them as I would love to have more.

Resources in green are from a Christian, faith-based perspective. Some of the information in these resources were very helpful for me, even as a deconstructed EXvangelical. Other information was not, as it included certain beliefs/ideas that I did not/do not hold. Please feel free to skip these resources if Christian or faith-based language/information is unhelpful or triggering for you.

If you have questions or concerns about any of the resources shared, please email me (

Books on Trauma:

  • Complex PTSD, Pete Walker

  • Healing Developmental Trauma, Laurence Heller & Aline LaPierre

  • The Body Keeps the Score, Bessel van der Kolk

  • The Lord is My Courage, KJ Ramsey

Podcasts on Trauma:

  • Eggshell Transformations with Imi Lo

  • The Place We Find Ourselves

Websites on Trauma:

Books on Abuse:

  • Whole Again, Jackson MacKenzie (MacKenzie wrote another book called “Psychopath Free”. I have not read this one yet, but have heard it is a fantastic resource.)

  • Why Does He Do That?, Lundy Bancroft*

  • Healing from Hidden Abuse, Shannon Thomas*

  • The Verbally Abusive Relationship, Patricia Evans*

  • See What You Made Me Do, Jess Hill*

  • The Narc Decoder, Tina Swithin*

  • The Emotionally Destructive Marriage, Leslie Vernick*

  • Is It Abuse?, Darby Strickland*

  • The Parallel Parenting Solution, Carl Knickerbocker (Includes many good tips, even if you do not have children with your abuser.)

Podcasts on Abuse:

  • The BTR.ORG Podcast, Anne Blythe*

Websites on Abuse:

Books on Neurodivergence:

  • Unmasking Autism, Devon Price, PH.D.

  • Autism in Heels, Jennifer Cook O’Toole

  • Aspergirls, Rudy Smith (I recognize and affirm that ‘Aspergers’ is an outdated term that has been tied to many ‘isms’ and is therefore triggering for some. The author was diagnosed prior to the change in the DSM and uses it to describe herself and her autistic experience. I found her story sharing helpful and relatable, but if this is unhelpful for you, please feel free to skip.)

Podcasts on Neurodivergence:

  • Neurodiverging, Danielle Sullivan

  • At Peace Parents Podcast (on parenting PDA kiddos), Casey Ehrlich, PH.D.

Websites on Neurodivergence: