Coaching With Kensie

Free Consultation (50 min)

Before coaching with me, I require new clients to complete a consultation. This will give us an opportunity to get to know each other and make sure we are a right fit. The consultation will be 50 minutes long and held on Google Meet. You can ask questions about the coaching process and let me know what it is you’re seeking help for.

To book a free consult please use the calendar to the right. If you do not see a date or time that works for you, please email me at I will do my best to accommodate.

For more information about coaching please see the FAQs below or you can email me at any time.


  • It is important or my clients and followers to know that I have chosen to permanently withdraw from the International Association of Trauma Recovery Coaching (IAOTRC). IAOTRC leadership, specifically and especially the founder Bobbi Parish, have continued to act in contrast to the ethical standards they claim. Hypocrisy, racism, narcissistic bullying, and a complete lack of true trauma informed care has been rampant with no attempt to stop, change, or repair it. Many students and leaders have been treated unfairly, unjustly, and unkindly. BIPOC students and leaders were treated especially awful. And the hurts and concerns that were brought to Bobbi’s attention were ignored, minimized, denied, and sometimes punished. After months of watching this continue without change, I decided to step away for good. I have absolutely zero tolerance for hatred, bullying, silencing, lying, blaming, prejudice, abuse, or racism. And I refuse to be a part of a group that turns a blind eye on the marginalized and oppressed. I still hold high value to training I received on trauma, the brain, the nervous system, and how to help people heal. There were many instructors that taught my cohort that were honorable, accepting, affirming, anti-ableist, anti-racist, etc. (many of who have now left as well). I believe I was well equipped by them in many ways and was trained in the proper skills to be a good coach. However, I am rejecting all IAOTRC methods, modalities, and protocols that are not inclusive, liberatory, equitable, equal, anti-carceral, or decolonized. This means I will no longer do the following:

    -Follow IAOTRC “safety” protocols

    -receive direction from the IAOTRC board of ethics

    -receive IAOTRC supervision

    -take any further IAOTRC training

    Moving forward, I plan to continue trauma recovery coaching as I have been on my own and add more trainings to my resume from other, safe organizations. If you have any questions or concerns about this, please email me at

  • Freedom Sessions are my 1:1 coaching sessions. They are 50 minutes long and cost $80 per session. During sessions we will focus on your present struggles to resolve triggers and systems such as anxiety, depression, low self esteem, self doubt, insecurity, overwhelm, mood swings, indecisiveness, codependency behaviors, and more.

  • While there are many benefits to therapy, trauma recovery coaching offers some important differences.

    As your trauma recovery coach, I will meet with you as an equal and will never hold power or authority over you. I believe you already have the strength inside of you to heal and grow. So instead of speaking over you, I will come alongside you with empowerment, encouragement, and support.

    My focus will be helping you identify the trauma you’ve experienced and how it affects you today, rather than diagnosing and treating mental illness. In fact, I will never label you or your experiences as disordered, crazy, or bad. What you are experiencing is most likely very normal, and I will make it a point to illuminate that.

    Our sessions will be client led. We will talk about only what you want to talk about and explore only what you want to explore. I consider you the expert on your body, life, and circumstances, while offering education on trauma and abuse in order to validate you and bring you more clarity.

    I do not set treatment plans for you, but will work with you to set and achieve the recovery goals you want.

    Want to know more about trauma recovery coaching? Schedule a free consult with me above!

  • No. As a trauma recovery coach I am considered a mental health professional. I have gone through significant training on trauma, abuse, and how to heal.

    Want to know more about my credentials? Schedule a free consult with me above!

  • Trauma recovery is going to look different for everyone because everyone has had different experiences and symptoms of trauma. If you show up ready to do the work and remain consistent, some of the benefits of trauma recovery coaching you might receive are…

    Better understanding your body’s sensations and what they mean.

    Learning coping/self regulating skills.

    Increased peace and overall regulation.

    Increased capacity to connect with others in authentic, meaningful ways.

    Recognizing and expressing true feelings, desires, needs, wants with less guilt.

    Increased capacity to feel all emotions - positive and negative - with less overwhelm.

    Recognizing and expressing healthy anger and grief.

    Increased feelings of safety. Decreased anxiety and fear.

    Increased feelings of joy, hope, flexibility, openness, and playfulness. Decreased depression, hopelessness, rigidity, and exhaustion.

    Better understanding of how your past has affected your present.

    Minimization of triggers.

    Decreased inner criticism, guilt, shame. Increased self compassion, self worth, self forgiveness, self acceptance, and self love.

    Learning how to have healthy boundaries and grow in empowerment.

    Living in true freedom again.

    Building a stronger awareness of your inner wisdom and learning to better trust yourself.

    Increasing your capacity for guilt free self care that actually works.

  • Regardless of what your recovery looks like, one thing that remains the same for all people is that healing is never linear. Recovering from trauma looks more like an upward outward spiral. Some days you feel immensely better; others it feels as if you have gone backwards. THIS IS NORMAL and I will be there to encourage you through the slumps. Healing is very possible for anyone that shows up ready to do the work. It just takes time and consistency.

    For more information on the healing journey see my instagram post here.

  • Ableism is the discrimination of people with disabilities. This can be intentional or unintentional and shows up in many thoughts, beliefs, policies, and even buildings themselves (ie. no ramp available for those using a wheelchair). It harms everyone, disabled or not, because it denies the vulnerability of our humanness.

    To combat this, I offer to make accommodations for all my client’s needs and coach from an anti-ableist perspective.

    Additionally, I do not consider neurodivergence as something to be fixed, cured, or changed. I do not automatically assume ND traits are trauma symptoms. And I believe and affirm self diagnoses.

  • Unfortunately no. While I am an autistic individual with ADHD, I cannot evaluate or diagnose you. I do, however have lots of education, experience, and resources I can share with clients who want to explore that in their coaching sessions.

  • Yes. In my daily life as well as in my coaching practice, I stand firmly against homophobia, transphobia, and any/all other anti-LGBTQ+ actions or beliefs. I affirm and accept clients of all genders and sexualities, and I do not see them as broken or in need of fixing. My coaching space will remain inclusive, and I am committed to the personal work required to ensure this.

    As a woman who has always dated men, I recognize that I have not lived with the same struggles, hardships, or marginalization as those in the LGBTQ+ community, and therefore will have gaps in my understanding. My promise is to remain humbly curious about your experiences, believe you, affirm you, and remain open to any/all feedback.

  • Yes. This means that I do not tolerate hatred of any kind toward BIPOC. This also means that I remain continually committed to my personal anti-racist work as well as implement what I learn/unlearn into my coaching practice. My hope is to create a decolonized, destigmatized, liberated coaching space that is safe for those who have historically not been prioritized.

    As white woman, I recognize that I have not lived with the same struggles, hardships, or marginalization as those in the BIPOC community, and therefore will have gaps in my understanding. My promise is to remain humbly curious about your experiences, believe you, affirm you, and remain open to any/all feedback.

  • No. I coach strictly from a trauma informed, abuse informed, and neurodivergent affirming lens.